EMF Readings - LEED Platinum Home Progress Report

Contractor's Notes 1-10-11

Hello Everyone,

For this week the guys will finish up the 2nd floor, install the 3rd floor LVLs, install the attic floor and prep the basement.

The windows will be delivered the 12th (hoping that the snow storm does not come). If the weather is too bad it will probably be Friday or early next week.

For Wednesday’s meeting, if the weather is bad, Thursday is fine and does not necessarily have to be on site. The topics we would like to address are:

Quick review of heating (I will forward Ruhnke’s numbers to everyone tomorrow so that we can have a quick discussion).

Electrical, Peter picked up the plans and I will give him the EMF reader once I receive it. He said the price will probably stay in the same ballpark. I think we should invite him to the next meeting to walk through the site with us.

The beam placement in the attic around the chimney.

Verify the basement plans regarding placement of walls.

Tom the cabinet maker is going to meet Jon and Ian on site to do a walk through and finalize contracts.

On a very good note, the building inspector told the zoning inspector that he needed to come out to the site to see what has been accomplished. Woody was very nice and very appreciative of all of the steps taken to stay within the town’s guidelines. It was a very positive meeting that I think will help us in the future.